Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Frat Experiment

This past weekend we had 2 visitors in town, Cody and Chad from good old D.C. and Va Beach. Seeing as that made 6 people in our house we decided to not only go out like we were in college but see how many people we could fit in the house (obviously to create heat)..... this is labeled the Frat Experiment.

As the weather got nice over the weekend, so did the number of people that stayed at our house. Note: it can be said that the number of people present was a direct correlation to the amount of alcohol consumed.

House Temperature-- 63 degrees
People Sleeping in House -- 6

House Temperature-- 65 degrees
Number of Hours Drinking-- 9 hours
People Sleeping in House-- 7

House Temperature-- 68 degrees
Number of Hours Drinking-- approximately 15 (give or take the two of us who only lasted 12)
People Sleeping in House-- 9
*** This does include the guy who originally fell asleep on our stairs sitting up

Now, some may say that this increase in house temperature might have something to do with the fact that the temperature hit mid-70s this weekend-- I disagree. I firmly believe the theory of the Frat Experiment was proven and holds steady.

I should also add that there was one desperate attempt of the weekend to have our friend Chad try to light our heat with a lighter. It was not a proud moment but we have accepted it and moved on.

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