Sunday, November 7, 2010

An Introduction to the Experiment

As some of you may know there are 4 of us that live together here in Nashville. We live in a quaint house on an adorable side street. While our house has its quirks (slanted door frames, ghosts, and a lack of stability beams in the basement) we love it very much.

In an effort to be eco-friendly and save some money we made a command decision. We decided to try out the experiment of "No Heat November". Here is what we have discovered so far:

1. our house retains the temperature of the previous night... therefore, it is usually 10-15 degrees colder inside than outside
2. taking a hot shower has suddenly become our favorite pasttimes
3. when sitting in one place for more than 10 minutes a scarf, ear warmers, gloves and socks are a necessity
4. sleeping in your roommates bed for warmth is totally acceptable
5. considering going on a boyfriend hunt just to have a place to sleep with heat is also perfectly acceptable
6. upon finishing a shower, you should immediately jump back into bed as to not catch frostbite
7. you CAN leave refrigerated items (such as cream cheese) out of the fridge because the frigid air will keep it from going bad
8. sitting down on a freezing cold toilet seat is as bad as corporal punishment

Needless to say, this is going to be harder than any of us thought and we are only 7 days in! Lets say a little prayer for warm weather or finding a good space heater.

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